Characters Introduction

Leader Corps

Through biotechnology to continuously replicate human wise men, to create an organization of human leaders with super high intelligence, through the succession of generations, to achieve immortality of wisdom, the purpose is to use the most scientific means of human beings to rule the ring universe.


By the Holly Stone resurrection of super human, useful space-time qualification, can get rid of the genesis of the bondage of people, open the sacred stone creation power, is worshiped as the face of the wall, has a very high intelligence and supernatural ability.


Invincible AI (IAI for short) is a silicon based life that has no energy, is not monitored and bound by the Holy Spirit, and is the best existence to threaten the Holy Spirit.

Super Hero

Human or humanoid animals made up of heroic warriors, human representatives in the ring universe, focusing on appearing in the first game "Super hero".

Exotic Planet

A star system conquered by humans 2,000 years ago, advocating black magic, has been unable to be assimilated by humans, apparently obeying humans, but in fact has been secretly colluding with the Holy Spirit to wait for the change of time.


The exotic galaxy master, subsequently endowed with wisdom by the Holy Spirit, became the new "crop" of the Holy Spirit, and gradually conquered to replace humans, becoming the master of the ring universe.

Vitality Bondage

It is the ultimate means for the Holy Spirit to control human beings, and the maximum life cycle of human beings can be limited to 3 years.


Human representative, subsequent existence as part of the plot NPC.

Kryptonian Knight

The representative of the Super hero, the main image of the official propaganda to the outside world, but also the totem belief of the post-human era guild call for the clan.


The Ring Universe-related NPC, representative of human justice.
